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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Rep. Michele Bachmann ~ Because She's Just That Way!

Dear Michele Bachmann,

I am just as afraid of you, as you are of me, Now! For the past few years I was hoping that you would be more involved in all aspects of our districts happenings.

But sadly you chose to hide away, often times in someone’s living room. I probably wouldn't be invited to any of your forums, because I embrace everyone for who they truly are, differences and all. Which from what I can tell, you do not.

At least if you had had actual town hall meetings from time to time since you were elected (eons ago), maybe some of us would have at least helped you to understand US better and we would have given you a fair chance too. I'm sure you would have accepted us in a more respectful way, if you had only gotten to really know some of us better.

Your repeated passive aggressive accusatory tirades mattered little to an average citizen like me. Except it did tend to make me feel awfully uncomfortable, many times saddened and sometimes it just plain pissed me off. Those painfully embarrassing moments when you get caught in a lie and try as you might to back peddle, only helped grow the divide between you and me. The divide between you and me is now the total distance from the US to Iraq and back.

If you continually exaggerate the 'simple' and always falsify the 'truth', you are the worst kind of politician there is. You make me work too hard to sort out "ANYTHING" you say. And if you can't get the words right sometimes (all of the time to be exact), then you most definitely should not be in the business of being a public official. As a constituent, YOUR spoken words are all I have to go on as a Representative of my district. I tried to recall anything you have said in the last two years that was clear, concise and meaningful policy making. I can't!

I am just a working stiff, who wants to make life better for my family. I enjoy helping other people along the way, too. I care about life in my district, I care about life in my township, I care about life in my state. And I care about life in our country. Our district cannot boast about the things we once could declare as successful outcomes to the whole of the district.

Which added to the entire states well being, it made a remarkable statement on how Minnesota always built better, stronger foundations to lift up the quality of life for everyone. Every citizen had a hand in building better communities, including fair taxation for county / state businesses. The best motto of Minnesota was "All for one and one for All!" Our district is doing very, very poorly after the last few years. Especially looking back the last eight. Maybe 'Our' district is 'Too Big' for one U.S. Representative.

I'll have to look back at your record as a State Representative for the Stillwater area. For some reason I am resisting recall of that time frame. It may be I can't bring myself to look. Then I'd have to think about all of your followers, who brought you to my district in the 6th. If redistricting hadn't take place in the early 2000's, I think you would probably be a fuzzy bad tasting memory by now.

You didn't seem to do "any one thing" for the 'people' of this district as far as I can tell. I can't find one thing that you might have been helpful in developing in the area to grow our Minnesota quality of life that I took for granted. Nor can I identify something of value for the entire district that you assisted in bringing to us.

I actually liked paying taxes for the quality of life I and my family could see, touch, taste and hear. We aren't wealthy, but I sure felt 'rich in life' for what we did have. I liked knowing my tax dollars also helped my neighbor and helped people with basic needs. I used to be proud to pay my taxes! You instead supported cutting at the social fabric that I liked supporting with my tax dollars. Your representation has slowly 'helped' to continue gutting our district's social safety nets, along with our exiting and down sized commercial sector. Now, I don't know what I'm paying for, but I know I'm paying something for "It."

What have you brought to us? No JOB growth (not even a little), No New Companies, NO Foreclosure Prevention relief, No Eviction Prevention help, No Childhood Wellness Plan, No Senior Citizen Support Systems (remember meals on wheels being cut back?), No Farmer Conversations, No Wildlife Preservation initiative, No Environmental Clean up regulations, and No Public Education Collaboration, and No Consumer Protection Aid.

Nothing for future growth that I can tell. And nothing put away for continued maintenance of social and community programs that I can see. What have you been doing all of this time?!?

Its possible you would have gotten some things done if you were a different sort of person. One good thing though, you still can change. If you do ever change into a more "Inclusive" "Proactive" "Fair Minded" Public Servant (a real humanitarian type of individual), Please, by all means, try again someday. I would be happy to take another look at you, if you really have changed.

Until then, you must NOT BE ALLOWED a platform for your hate mongering or for your prosperity driven false piety. I will VOTE YOU OUT using the only candidate that has a strong chance of booting your behind out of the 6th CD. Even though I would never vote for Elwin willingly (I didn't like him much as a Mayor) and not sure what he did as a Transportation Commissioner, I will be most happy to cast a protest vote instead.

You my dear, dear lady, need to exit political life and work on your inner self, a lot. If you ever want to return to politics and you can convince us that you have learned your lessons well, then please come out and meet us face to face. Come out and talk with us. Sit down in a round table for a chat, like Paul Wellstone used to do. Don't be so afraid of us next time around. Next time, only if you do change, you must publicly apologize to all of us for the horrible job you did with the 6th Congressional District.

I know it is because of the way you are, that we in the 6th CD had to endure your misinformation, your malice, your missteps, your misstatements and your out right lie's as our Representative. I won't forget, but I can forgive someday. Thank you and I wish you all of the best in your journey through life ahead and out of the 6th CD.

ALL Constituent's, ALL Americans and ALL People Offended By Rep. Michele Bachmann At One Time Or Another

(this list may not be complete, as there are still 10 more days until the Election.)

Mexican American Business Chamber of Commerce

Minnesota Black Chamber of Commerce


Minnesota American Indian Chamber of Commerce

Asian American Chamber of Commerce of Minnesota

Gay Nurse


School Teacher

Public School Principal


Critical Thinker

Abstract Thinker


Muslim Man

Muslim Woman

Minority Business Owner

Minority Homeowner


Low Income Homeowner

Adoptive Parent

Foster Parent

Foster Child

Adoptive Child


Retired African American

Senior Citizen on Social Security





Homeless Veteran

Desert Storm Veteran

Wounded Homeless Iraqi Veteran

30 year old AIDS Patient

Foreclosed Family

Family Evicted

Unemployed Construction Worker

Laid off Worker





Poor Person

High School Student

Teen Parent



Teen Boy

Native American


Migrant Worker

College Student


Environmental Activist


Recovering Alcoholic

Recovering Drug Addict

Cancer Survivor

Conservative Republican

Spanish Nun

Teen Girl

Iranian Pacifist

Somali Professor

Disabled Protestant

Low Income Lutheran

Russian Jew

Law Enforcement Officer

World Traveler

Real Tax Lawyer

Truck Driver

Tupperware Representative

Military Family




New Immigrant

Bank Teller

Little Person

Outdoor Enthusiast




Who Is Anti-American? by Almost Diamonds October 18, 2008

Dump Michele Bachmann

Obama's message of unity is on the money "We are not separated by the pro-America and anti-America parts of this nation -- we all love this country, no matter where we live or where we come from." from The Star Tribune October 26, 2008

Bach-pology! (Sort of) by Chris Cillizza The Washington Post Posted 10/25/2008

$800,000 and Counting! Thanks, Michele Bachmann! from Pundit Mom Tuesday, October 21, 2008

STUCK ON STUPID ALERT: MN Republican Blames Minorities for Bad Economy! from THE SAUDA VOICE Spetember 30, 2008
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