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Friday, November 03, 2006



Thursday, February 02, 2006

Link to an article from the Austin Weekly News, written by Frank Lipscomb. February is Black History month. It is the only time that other groups of people who are considered less economically fortunate or persecuted, are recognized as well.

Black history month embraces all people because it embraces freedom. In celebrating the achievements of a people brought and born into slavery in this country, torn from their families and customs, separated out of human perversion by those that had a twisted veiw of what a human being is, endurance and escape of segregation laws; Compassionate speeches made this month will surely include observations about poverty - which knows no color line.

The horrific experiences of the Gulf Coast survivors makes the biggest walking talking point to date....The less you have in assets and investments by our present societal and corporate standards, it will be harder and often impossible to reclaim that rightful stepping stone leading to "Quality of life." Quality of life is about security. Which tens of millions (that is the counted) of American citizens live without each and every day, in the land of milk and honey.

Capitalism will be blamed, but it is people - simple human beings living an image of their own making, who are standing superiorly strong and tall with belly's full, protected by the helm while holding tightly to the reins with one hand and creating oppression with the other.

The only way one would know this, is to have lived to see when progress was made and then slowly observe 'progress' being harnessed, suppressed and isolated. Its spirit, its purpose slowly dying from neglect. If there is hope, one breath left, the warm embrace of freedom will keep 'progress' on life support, until we can 'All' get there, right here in our own backyard, in the United States.


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