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Friday, November 03, 2006

REMEMBERING VIII - Voice In & Vote Out!


Letter to Senator Kennedy 1/13/2006...
Dear Senator Kennedy,
I have watched some of the Supreme Court Justice confirmation hearings. Haven't been impressed too much with the activity and was disappointed that the nominee didn't seem to have any real concrete opinions as to how he would approach any case. Not an opinion on how he would rule, but where was the substance to his answers. Since the panel of senators decided to eat up most the time with talk, also no substance, I am left with one alarming impression about the nominee. That is his membership into an exclusive club from his college days.
I try to find balance in those that may appear to hold views that do not support equality. I cannot find that balance if the questions are not answered. Or, maybe this televised hearing is not for the benefit of the public either? Similar to the CEO oil hearings, in that there was a lot of noise, but nothing of value said.
I am not in favor of a Supreme Court Justice being nominated solely because a party wishes it. Nor, does the lack of age, lack of wisdom through age and infancy in life experience speak well for the highest most senior court in our nation.
Since these qualities of the nominee are absent, I can only assume that this arm of our government will fall into eventual decay, too. Thank you.


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