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Thursday, July 03, 2008

Senator Obama's diVersion...

Senator Obama is promotong Service. Volunteering service is good. I question the exactness of the hours and a tone that sounds mandatory.

The Caucus NYT Mr. Obama said he would set a goal for all middle and high school students across the nation to perform 50 hours of service a year, while college students would be asked to perform 100 hours of service a year.

Senator Obama has an 'exact' plan for service, down to the hours expected, but no detailed plan for the economy and for needed jobs? Does Senator Obama know how the economy worked before it was broken? This new service plan sounds suspiciously out of place at a time when we in the U.S are facing very grave issues. Too many grave and dire issues. I must be missing something though. Where's the detailed restoration plans for our country. De-regulation created preditors thus creating victims. The preditors that made Iraq, continues to drained all of our resources. The sinking economy is tied to Iraq and the economy is in the tank. The gas tank is empty. Oh, and the roof is gone too. What the heck is he thinking, by putting this initiative forward right now. Jeez!

Strengthen the Military: Our country’s greatest military asset is the men and women who wear the uniform of the United States. Barack Obama will work to solve the military’s recruitment and retention crisis by asking Americans to serve in the military, increasing the size of the Army by 65,000 troops and the Marines by 27,000 troops, and properly training and equipping our troops to face the battles of the 21stCentury. Because our military is built on families, Obama will better support those families of whom we are asking so much. In addition, Obama will uphold America’s sacred trust with our veterans by building a 21st-Century Department of Veterans Affairs.

Obama: Servicing Service by ABC News Senior National Correspondent Jake Tapper July 03, 2008 Comment Posted by Jo July 3, 2008 Oops I just checked and I have an SUV in the garage, I just ate a great meal and my thermostat is on 72.

Oh nooooo! I forgot to ask the rest of the world for permission!!!

don't arrest me Obama....PLEASE!!!! Lol.

Remember The President's Council on Physical Fitness? I always failed in one area, always! I couldn't throw a softball no matter how hard I tried, but I still received my certificate signed by the President. Check out "Physical Education" A series of 1970s and 1980s recessions brought about cutbacks in many school programs, including physical education.

Support Israeli Conscientious Objectors American Friends Service Committee
During every conflict AFSC has provided advice and/or support to those seeking to be conscientious objectors.

Green Left Online Eyal Brami and Alex Kohn are 18 years old and serving time in an Israeli jail. ISRAEL: Students refuse military service by Kim Bullimore April 27, 2005

"Military service is mandatory for all Israelis and the students who have signed the “shministim” letters are at the forefront of opposing the occupation and the militarisation of Israeli schools."

"In kindergartens and primary schools, Israeli children are encouraged to send gift packages, write letters of gratitude to soldiers and participate in day-outings to military bases."

Refusal to serve in the Israeli military From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Sarbanim" (סרבנים)

Gaza: Israel Blocks 670 Students from Studies Abroad - Egypt, Palestinian Authority and Hamas Share Blame from Human Rights News New York, November 20, 2007


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