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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Poor Little Misfit Congress Christmas Story


Once upon a time there was a poor little lost congress. Often times called the Poor Little Misfit Congress in the land of UZ Tiny People....Forest Lake Times LTE: Bachmann IS The Problem by Political Muse at Dump Michele Bachmann Monday, December 31, 2007 "There is a clear lack of accomplishments in Congress. That’s because Republicans have set a record for the number of threatened filibusters and blocks that have been used to obstruct the passage of good legislation - 62 times in the first half of a two year session."

Congress's Bullying Pulpit By Sally Quinn The Washington Post December 23, 2007

Christmas Time Is Here Again The Black Veils Blog December 22nd, 2007


The poor little misfit congress tried 110 times to impose their misfit ways upon the good citizens of UZ Tiny People land, but the harder they tried the worse the little flaws grew into big flaws. They grew and grew and grew. The poor little misfit congress just couldn't do any of the essential tasks that the land of UZ tiny people had so ordered by official decree the month of November in the year of 2006.

Then one day the land of UZ tiny people had to sadly prepare the poor little misfit congress for travel to another place far , far away. UZ tiny people felt so sorry for the misfit congress that they wanted to make sure they would be able to live out their lives in peaceful solace, yet far away from the land of UZ tiny people.

It wasn't as if the UZ tiny people hadn't been tolerant of and hopeful for the poor little misfit congress, they of course were given the highest honor in the land, to be the voice of the UZ tiny people everywhere.

Trying as they might to remind and refresh the memories of the poor little misfit congress in the special way’s of the 'special gifts' the land had been given when first inhabited.

UZ tiny people were shocked and confused at the poor little misfit congress for not knowing how to echo the true voice of the majority of all the tiny people after the month of November in the year of 2006.

The good, kind and grumpy UZ tiny people became extremely dismayed eventually, as the poor little misfit congress seemed to make excuses in order to ignore UZ tiny people wishes when they elected the new little congress the month of November in the year 2006.

At first it just seemed that the little misfit congress needed time to adjust in their brand new special job for the people of the land. Time after time though, the poor little misfit congress continued to detour away from the very important matters that UZ tiny people had wanted repaired with a new tiny people congress.

Finally it was very, very clear that the poor little misfit congress didn't care about UZ tiny people of the land, they had their sights set on only what they wanted, not what the UZ tiny people wanted.

The poor little misfit congress acted as though they had forgotten about all of the special gifts given to the land many, many ions ago.

A year later the poor little misfit congress lived so far away from the people of the land in that special house on the highest hill in UZ tiny people land that the people couldn't be heard any longer.

And even when the poor little misfit congress planned great events and parades, to congratulate themselves for such a grand job, they also began to shield themselves from the good, kind and grumpy people of UZ tiny people shortly after they were given the honor to be the voice of every UZ tiny people in the land of UZ tiny people.


Instead of remembering the gifts given in those special documents many, many ions ago, the poor little misfit congress only saw the gifts they wanted for themselves. They refused to undo the damage that had been done by the small 109th time misfit congress.

They gave themselves a raise of the finest goods and services in the land of UZ tiny people shortly after moving into that special house that set upon the highest hill in UZ tiny people land. They hired more special house doctors to take care of their health needs, including the best dental care anywhere.

They ordered and imported safely tested games to play with and went on trips to the ocean in their big new shiny sea force one submarine. It had swimming pools, sauna's, clean air for breathing and lights for reading the books that other poor little misfit congress members wrote.

One poor little misfit congress member greeted another poor little misfit congress member with even handed respect, warm hugs and firm hand shakes. And they never invited the UZ tiny people into their conversations ever again.

Never to ask what the UZ tiny people thought, what they needed and what they wanted. The poor little misfit congress knew what the tiny people wanted, needed and what they thought, but didn't care enough to try harder. Instead the poor little misfit congress went on vacation.

Soon the poor little misfit congress even became afraid of all UZ tiny little people of the land. Soon after that, the poor little misfit congress became afraid of anyone who was different from them.

They became afraid of lands far, far away...afraid of the IZ people, then afraid of the AZ people, then afraid of the EZ people and lastly scared to pieces of the OD people. Until pretty soon the poor little misfit congress shook with fear at the sight of anyone who wasn't them.

When the poor little misfit congress started to tell the people of UZ tiny people that all of the other lands were bad, a few of the UZ tiny people were so scared they locked themselves in their UZ tiny people huts, hid under their UZ tiny people goose feathered beds, in a darkened room, never to be seen again.

It was felt by the UZ tiny people that maybe the frightened neighbors will come out when their tiny people land is restored.

The smart UZ tiny people were very perplexed by this fearful behavior, as there was no record of anyone behaving in this manner before. And if it had happened before this time it must have been so small an occurrence that it went un-noticed.

Or maybe when the small 109th time misfit congress lived in the special house on the highest hill in the land, that the great social UZ healers of the time must have worked very hard to prevent this odd behavior from spreading over the land.

But this severe behavior seems to be happening more frequently now and it greatly concerns the good, kind and grumpy people of the land. Other UZ tiny people decided to visit far, far away lands to talk to the people there, in the land of IZ, OD, AZ and EZ. To seek out the truth meant talking to everyone. Talking day and night. Talking and listening, is what those UZ tiny people did.

UZ tiny people had many different good, kind and grumpy citizens living in the land of UZ tiny people, including people from those lands that the poor little misfit congress told the tiny people to be afraid of.

The really smart UZ tiny people helped their neighbors when they returned from their far, far away trip. To try and help the fearful tiny people to understand what really lay behind their make believe fear, the fear that the poor little misfit congress was trying to thump UZ tiny people on the head with.

Talking amongst one another revealed the painful fakery of this fear, the majority of UZ tiny people knew then not to be afraid anymore. The ones that could not hear, nor see or feel the real reasons to not be afraid may have the relief they seek when the land of UZ tiny people is restored to its original special gifts. Restored to its original purpose for the UZ tiny people.

The good, kind and grumpy UZ tiny people became frustrated by the way the poor little misfit congress wanted the land of people to be so frightened. The wise UZ tiny people grew suspicious of the poor little misfit congress member’s expectation to make UZ tiny people of the land to do their bidding only when something benefited the poor little misfit congress.

Only when the poor little misfit congress needed more gourmet foods, fresh cut flowers, spun silk linens, fine gold rimmed china and more riches of every kind, the misfit congress would send out the special bulletin newspaper for the people to read about the self importance of the poor little misfit congress.

The poor little misfit congress would appear on UZ tiny people TV in well timed moments of weakness, to tell the people why they must be afraid and to give them more goods and services so they could fix the problems of all UZ tiny people land.

The problems became bigger and bigger, never smaller.


On the 110th try the poor little misfit congress asked for more things for themselves, they wanted rewards and recognition for such a good job they believed had been done for UZ tiny people.

More and more and more UZ tiny people didn't believe rewards and recognition were warranted any longer.

The good, kind and grumpy people of the land looked around and saw a terrible sight in their once prosperous public land of UZ tiny people. The land of UZ tiny people that embraced differences and valued peace above all had become grey and gloomy.

UZ tiny people cars set abandoned by the road, no one could afford to drive them to their jobs. Everyone had to walk because there was no longer an UZ tiny people mass transit system. But then again the variety of viable jobs once afforded the good, kind and grumpy UZ people dwindled down to a few types that weren’t very satisfying at all.

The UZ tiny people cooked on camp fires now, but even that wasn't going to last, what would they burn when the all the tree's for the kindling was gone? Not to despair though, the UZ tiny people are a smart bunch, they have not forgotten about the special gifts given many, many ions ago. There might still be time to repair the UZ tiny people land.

Regular UZ tiny people houses started to look like huts after the small 109th time misfit congress slyly snuck in, sturdy solid homes had been torn down because of something called emanate domain.

That practice actually started with the small 109th time misfit congress, where sections of UZ tiny people neighborhoods suffered the loss of all of their property from an initiative that was sold as economic development.

Except that the sections of neighborhoods targeted had only UZ tiny people with similar suppressed income levels who were then forced to move away to somewhere. The UZ tiny little people wanted to believe so badly what the small 109th time misfit congress said about more and better jobs being available.

After the poor little misfit congress bamboozled their way in, the UZ tiny people were allowed to live in their huts only if they grew the designated foods, spun the hand picked silk, raised the assigned livestock and bottled the selected wines, all for the poor little misfit congress members creature comforts.

By the time the poor little misfit congress came in, they just ended up enforcing this citizen labor practice because they found that the tax relief given to the richest 2% back in the month of December, in the year of 2005, were in fact themselves.

Regular UZ tiny people picket fences, potted plants, ornate iron balconies, stylish canopies, colorful flower beds, freshly cut grass, shiny door knockers, chiming door bells, children laughing and playing in the park, out door cafe's and shopping malls; all important little pieces of residential identity in the UZ tiny people land, disappeared in a swamp of slimy debt.

The poor little misfit congress, the wealthiest 2% had excessive riches and kept adding to their booty of bounty, the UZ tiny people could only look but not touch, when they labored in the lavish dwellings of all poor little misfits congress employers.

Touching any of the misfit profiteers belongings meant the UZ tiny people had better be cleaning, scrubbing, scowering, scooping, wiping or washing that booty of bounty.

The special gifts, those special documents given to all of the UZ tiny people of the land many, many ions ago was gone, hidden away, kept from all of the people. but the tiny people remembered what all the gifts were.

UZ tiny people have not forgotten about those special gifts given many, many ions ago.

The average UZ tiny people's social fabric made from those special social gifts that were created from those special documents given many, many ions ago, were no more.

Disappeared, hidden away, along with all of the special gifts given to them many, many ions ago when first inhabited. The gifts that were great and small, the gifts that were short and tall, all hidden away. But no need to worry, UZ tiny people had not forgotten about what was given many, many ions ago.


The most cherished gift of all special gifts given to the land of UZ tiny people was a most special document called the UZ Constitution. There was also another special document called the UZ Bill of Rights. These two documents out of all historical UZ documents was what the UZ government stood for. It helped all who lived there, to live as a peaceful diverse civilized society. One for all and all for one.

Before two misfit congresses snuck in so slyly, everyone - everyone in the land of UZ tiny people respected and embraced diversity. above all....diversity was at the heart of this once peaceful civilized society.

Most of UZ tiny people first worried about the other lands far, far away because the poor little misfit congress seemed to only want to fight and feud with other lands far, far away for no good reason at all. Now they were worried about this land, their land. Slowly their people were getting sicker at heart and in mind and growing more tired and laughing less everyday.

Of course before the poor little misfit congress arrived, anyone who didn't want to be part of UZ was free to move far, far away. Even the small 109th time misfit congress couldn't change that old ancient decree created by passed generations of UZ tiny people. UZ tiny people were free to go where ever they wanted.

The misfit citizen with misfit way's on the other hand had to go to Sell Fish town and could live out their misfit life in isolated excess having almost anything they wanted. By themselves or with one other willing misfit citizen. Usually the UZ misfit citizen lived a much shorter life when they moved to Sell Fish town. Laying around all day with nothing to do but feast on excess.

The excess of anything they wanted for themselves was never enough and never satisfying. Then one day the poor little misfit would suddenly pop from too much excess. After the unfortunate popping into thin air, there would be an icky, smelly, nasty, nasty smell that would blanket the town of Sell Fish.

Being blinded by such a degree of greed, misfits would often risk this inevitable demise. They often convinced themselves that they would be able to stop from popping.

In the end however, the greed got the best of just about each and every misfit sent to Sell Fish town. They would pop into thin air. Fortunately there was only a very small number of misfits who were ever sent to the town of Sell Fish in the first place.

Not everyone who wanted all things their way moved to Sell Fish Town. The rumor of the smell, the isolation and the thought of popping into thin air kept many grumpy UZ tiny people living among the good and kind UZ tiny people.

The thought of popping into thin air also helped the UZ grumpy people to self check themselves in matters of personal belief. Never imposing and forcing their personal belief's upon another person also kept the grumpy person from sliding into fanaticism with a distorted view of how they wanted others to live around them. This measure surely helped many grumpy people from becoming selfish misfits themselves.

The laws of the land were made to promote civil obedience for each and every citizen and based on one rule of thumb for citizens…make your voice count by getting involved and for voting. One body of public laws brought harmony to daily life and helped to establish common governing ordinances to help each citizen guide themselves separately as well as together.

Public laws also recognized that personal views, practices and events needed to be protected under the law too. With so many different opinions the laws of the land also established order where there might be chaos.

And that is where the UZ tiny people have the right to exercise civil disobedience, especially if they disagree on an opposing view. That is one of the most precious gifts from those special documents given many, many ions ago.

Supporting anyone’s right to exercise civil disobedience is a good citizen activity that shows they care about the place they live, the place they work, the place they go to school, the place they shop, the place they play and the place they do business.

The UZ tiny people embraced the right to Agree to Disagree, always. UZ tiny people marched, had peace rally’s and parades to make there voices heard whether it be for disapproval or for honoring. UZ tiny people were at one time very healthy in their quest to exercise their rights.


No one exercises their rights any longer, not since the poor little misfit congress let that right be taken away from the good, kind and grumpy people. How did that poor little misfit congress take that right away you might wonder?

By making each UZ tiny people citizens daily life so full of toil, angst and ire, the good, kind and grumpy citizens were physically and mentally drained after 12 and 16 hours at the end of the evenings work day.

But they - the UZ tiny people did not forget about those special gifts given many, many ions ago. They still dreamed of those special gifts given many, many ions ago.

The UZ tiny people used to have so much fun giving parties and celebrating events and always invited everyone to partake in the celebration. No one ever forced anyone to belong, rather the invitations were a warm welcoming option. All of the UZ tiny people had fun sharing their differences.

The Square footed UZ tiny people liked parades best. The Orange tailed UZ tiny people liked county fairs the most and the Blue Cheeked UZ tiny people liked to have carnivals above all. So, every UZ tiny people had many fun events to attend, if they wanted to.

Around the ORB, people from other lands used to visit the events and go home with the most fun stories about what they experienced. There used to be a great, great giant shopping mall called Mall of Amiracal. There were shops, food and fun things to do every where tiny people went. What fun people had from UZ and around the ORB.

The poor little misfit congress offended so many from other lands far, far away, people stopped going to the great, great giant Mall of Americal.

Sometimes the UZ grumpy people would cause mischief and sometimes they would try to antagonize the good and kind UZ tiny people and try as they might, try to antagonize people from around the ORB. Mostly the good and kind UZ citizen would increase their supply of patience until the grumpy neighbor gave up from sheer exhaustion.

The UZ grumpy citizen still after all that, was content to stay living among the good and kind folks because they didn't want to become a misfit and probably didn’t want to pop into thin air from too much excess.

Even though the grumpy people were just plain grumpy, with constant scowls and smiles turned upside down, they were special too. Part of a most special gift, the gift given many many ions ago. Most UZ tiny grumpy people learned from their mistake called ‘antagonism’ and that meant a lot to the good and kind UZ tiny people.

The UZ tiny good and kind people always tried like the devil to help the UZ grumpy tiny people to find that inner peace from fear, so they wouldn't be so afraid of different looking, acting or sounding people everywhere around the ORB and at home.

So that grumpy people wouldn’t be afraid of any person that was different from themselves, which perpetuated an UZ tiny people flaw called prejudice or bigotry or racism or discrimination, this being something serious enough for the good and kind UZ tiny people to undo through well planned initiatives.

The UZ tiny people workshops were titled Undoing B-R-P-D and usually were provided through UZ tiny people school programs for generations and generations of young UZ tiny people children, coming from those special documents among those special gifts given many, many ions ago.

UZ tiny people learned as children how to embrace all differences and how to exercise peaceful respectful tolerance of different views, beliefs and life styles. Now Grown-up UZ tiny grumpy people were experiencing this sad, sad tiny people flaw. Another new development that the good and kind UZ tiny people discovered growing among its once peaceful respected society.

The land of UZ tiny people was beginning to look like they felt, they felt sick more often. More and more UZ tiny good people were being overcome with terrible forms of misfit behavior.

What were the UZ tiny good and kind people to do?


Starting out slowly and subtly, the behavior seems irreversible if not caught early enough. The generation after generation learned this and that is why the tailored made workshops were carefully and seamlessly instilled into every school curriculum in the land and was part of every teachers lesson plan from tiny, tiny, tiny years to teenage tiny people years.

The work place always made sure that embracing diversity was part of the working landscape. Like the air, the UZ tiny people breathed and embraced diversity. The sickness that was beginning to grow over the tiny people land needed really insightful UZ tiny people study, research and planning for solutions to this Grown-up tiny people problem .

To not do anything was not an UZ tiny people custom. There was an answer and they would find it. What smart UZ tiny people they are. What brave UZ tiny people they were.

Even though this is a new development for the UZ tiny people, they learn quickly to focus good and kind attention on each and every UZ grumpy citizen before the risk of being sent to Sell Fish town increases.

But alas sometimes it just did no good to try as they might, to get those stubborn UZ grumpy people who turned into out of control misfits to realize there misfit ways in time.

It had to be pretty awful for a ‘good and kind’ citizens to turn into a grumpy person with the condition of BRPD.

Things had to be pretty bad for the UZ grumpy tiny people to turn into pathetic little out of control misfits with a severe case of BRPD, so severe that they caused serious physical and mental harm to targeted neighbors, to targeted citizens and to targeted people around the ORB.

Unfortunately no matter what one would do to help the already grumpy neighbor - turned pathetic out of control misfit - they had to be made to go to Sell Fish town.

Which is why the town of Sell Fish was built by the good kind UZ tiny people. They couldn't just push the way ward selfish misfit people out into the cold. How would they survive? They were so used to their own ‘taking’ way’s by that time; always expecting others to do for them, the line between good and kind and being out of control when already grumpy was a very thin line indeed.

What would become of them without the teaching of very important gifts given many, many ions ago? Could they recover before they popped into thin air? Let’s hope they can get back to UZ tiny people town.

Don't worry though, the good and kind people made sure that the new residents of Sell Fish never went without and were never harmed. The laws of the land created generations ago made sure that humane and respectful treatment always be given to all residents of Sell Fish town.

Good and kind citizens made sure all of the people from the land of UZ tiny people never went without either, there was always enough of everything to ‘share’ with one another. But that was before congress turned into misfits with the small 109th time and the poor little 110th time congress.

Was there still time to repair the damage done to the UZ tiny people land? Was there still time to help the exiled grumpy turned pathetic out of control tiny misfit people to recover from their terrible, terrible condition of the nasty, nasty BRPD and their terrible, terrible case of icky, icky greed?


The UZ tiny people always tried to prevent problems from getting too messy as a rule and as generations did before them. They learned from the experience of all generations before them, always. They learned when they wrote down what worked and they learned when they wrote down what didn't work.

UZ tiny people worked well together, using methods and tools handed down by generation after generation of scientists, scholars, naturalists, atheists, agnostics and clergy, working very effectively with average tiny people folks everywhere. No one was above another, no one was better than another, no one ever thought they were more singularly special.

The special gifts of documents given many, many ions ago to a group of very diverse tiny people - creating a social network of very diverse beings, building a safety net of very social beings.

To understand that special means uniting with one another, that special means forming a united layer of front, middle and back-up of UZ tiny people, tiny people that can live peacefully besides other people from far, far away lands around the ORB.

Learning from past generational mistakes, learning from flawed generational beliefs, learning from one another, never forgetting why the special gifts were given many, many ions ago. Those UZ tiny people were a pretty smart bunch, indeed.

Those UZ tiny people were a pretty smart bunch to solve problems. They just took care, acted wisely and moved swiftly as great giant teams of well trained UZ tiny people went to work preventing problems.

They knew to do this because they remembered that all of the best information was stored in the UZ congressional library of special gifts that came from the first set of special gifts given many, many ions ago.

Those smart UZ tiny people were always planning, preparing and putting their ideas to work for all of the UZ tiny people land. The great peaceful minds of UZ tiny people land met with and were members of the esteemed United Pedestal of Lands Affirming Friendship, Harmony and Peaceful Existence Council.

They all would meet around the ORB every 21 days to confer their finding, to seek council and to impart lived wisdom too.

All of the UZ tiny people used to lay their heads down at night without too many worries. But that was before the misfit congress of 109 times and the misfit congress of 110 times.

Infrastructure‘s across the land was safe, food they ate was safe, toys for children were safe and the UZ tiny people pets stayed healthy and happy too. All of the goods and services that used to be available for the UZ tiny people to purchase with their stepping stone paychecks, from their very satisfying stepping stone jobs, in the UZ tiny people past, was safe.

The citizens valued and took comfort in the wise and serious experience of the many UZ tiny people citizens and the UZ tiny people congress that came before the misfit 109th time congress.

There were no doubts about all of that hard work, all of that care that was put into maintaining the UZ tiny people land, the UZ tiny people trusted the congress all the way up to that horrific day in the month of August in the year of 2005. Too horrific to describe in words. A day that UZ tiny people know should never have happened in their modern day history.

The month of November in the year of 2006 was truly a hopeful event. When that event came and left so did the hope that trust could be regained soon. Such depth of doubt never witnessed before, seemed to spread over the UZ tiny people land.

Those UZ tiny people were such a smart bunch, but they were getting tired from the growing good and kind tiny people doubt, from the growing tiny grumpy people fear and from the myriad of a poor little misfit congress and their misfit way’s.


Finally in the month of December in the year of 2007, the good, kind and grumpy UZ tiny people could no longer tolerate the misfit way of the poor little misfit congress.

Too many grumpy turned misfit people got into that congress and no one knows how this exactly happened. The UZ tiny people congress was a wonderful sight to behold before the small 109th time misfit congress and then the poor 110th little misfit congress hopped in with the help of the naïve and gullible and unsuspecting UZ tiny people.

What a place of wonderment, pride and inspiration it was, long, long, long ago. Before the 109th small time misfits occupied the house on the highest hill in the land. That is when the special gifts really began disappearing, when the small 109th time congress was elected to the highest house on the hill.

There was still much hope that the small 109th time misfit congress misfit ways was small enough at that point, for the UZ tiny people to undo the small troubled misfit ways that the misfit congress caused for the UZ tiny people of the land.

The poor little 110th misfit congress made the UZ tiny peoples land even more troubled, 110 thousand times more troubled than the 109 thousand times of trouble caused by the last small time misfit congress.

One cold winter day in December 2007, the Poor Little Misfit Congress wanted to send a message to the whole Orb of lands, a message they were convinced needed to be announced under the guise of official business. This was surely evidence of how distorted the misfit congress had become.

A message that said who was most important in all the land of UZ and thereby silencing and saddening many UZ tiny people when the poor little misfit congress declared this most official message.

In the bliss of much poor little self importance the Poor Little Misfit Congress declared that one holiday above all was the most important and that one religious faction was the most important in the land of UZ.

UZ tiny people were aghast by this misfit action of declaration. The UZ tiny people were very upset about this declaration to the whole ORB of lands. UZ tiny children people cried and UZ tiny old people shook their heads in despair. UZ tiny people parents felt hopeless and UZ tiny people advocates knew the poor little misfit congress was being unjust and plain wrong.

UZ tiny people of all hues, hopes and happenings were very offended and the lands of OD, IZ, EZ and AZ just felt deep pity for the tiny people of UZ. The poor little misfit congress went too far this time by declaring that one holiday and one religious faction was more important than any other in the land of UZ.

The declaration caused great strife and much cause for concern among the great peaceful minds of the United Pedestal of Lands Affirming Friendship, Harmony and Peaceful Existence Council. around the entire ORB. The council called an emergency meeting to discuss this most recent misfit action against everyone left out of that most misfit declaration by the poor little misfit congress.

The council will watch over the citizens of UZ tiny people and wait for UZ tiny people to show how they will attempt to rectify this most misfit mistake upon all people around the ORB.

372 poor little misfit congress members used official business to promote their personal beliefs and the very diverse UZ citizens lost their voice the day the poor little misfit congress declared that declaration of self importance of only One. And sadly when any UZ tiny people lost their voice that day, they felt as though they became invisible in the UZ land of tiny people.

No longer included or embraced by UZ tiny people congress in a land of laws, no longer ‘by the tiny people’ and ‘of the tiny people‘ in UZ tiny people land. All UZ tiny people were basically silenced that fateful day. How long would it be before tiny people who were included by association of a similar personal belief, in that most self important declaration of only One, be singled out because of another self important declaration by this poor little misfit congress down the road?

Could a personal choice to wear only polka dots be imposed on those that only wanted to wear stripes?

Could a personal belief of one not eating meat extend to everyone who is not a vegetarian?

Could a personal decision to not allow brail in one elevator cause all accessible accommodations to be with held?

Could one personal value include ritualistic religious singing, but not include dancing and the wearing of a ceremonial feathered head dress?

Could one gender force another gender to act one way?

Could one voice tell another voice to be silent?

When the Poor Little Misfit Congress created their message of self importance of One by their misfit declaration, they didn't expect what was to come next. The poor little misfit congress continued to forget about those special documents, those special gifts given many, many ions ago.


So many generations of UZ tiny people had worked tremendously hard for hundreds and hundreds of ions to make that little congress that set upon the highest hill in the land, work for the tiny people in a land of laws. Never was the land of laws to be shaded as a land of tiny men. Never was this land of laws to be 'ruled' by tiny people, nor tiny misfits.

It was now time for the people to do their citizen duty by sharing their performance report from all of their observations; how much was accomplished by the poor little misfit congress, how much of it was good deeds for the land and ORB and how much of it was plain misfit ways?

For the first time, the first time ever, a very hard decision had to be made. This decision had never been put before UZ tiny people citizens, not since UZ became a democratic republic land many, many ions ago.

See, the Poor Little Misfit Congress that mysteriously emerged after the UZ tiny people voted the month of November in the year 2006, this Poor Little Misfit Congress cared not, shared not, gave not, thought not, trusted not; about the most special gifts given to the land many, many ions ago.

All of the members of the poor little misfit congress had to be prepared for what was coming, thanks to the wise good, sincere kind and practical grumpy UZ tiny people generations before them. Travel to Sell Fish town was in order for all of the poor little misfit congress.

Each and every member of the poor little misfit congress would be evaluated by a second tier of UZ tiny people hearings. There may have been a few poor little misfit congress members that should not be sent away to Sell Fish town. The voting records and the path of good deeds would weigh out who could stay among UZ tiny people.

Findings revealed that some poor little misfit congress members avoided voting at all. That is a check mark against the poor little misfit congress member who could not put forth their official standing on a matter.

Circumstances such as illness and other hardships were considered as long as there was proof, viable proof only. Members of the poor little misfit congress not voting and then how members did vote, were tallied up, written on giant big bill of rights board and displayed for all UZ tiny people to read and study.

They studied, they read, they studied some more. They read the big giant bill of rights board into the night, all the way to sun up. They talked amongst themselves and they read the list again.

They found who was nice and who was really nice. There weren’t many.

They also found out who was naughty and who was really naughty. Surprised by the discovery of really, really, really naughty members of this poor little misfit congress. The UZ tiny people felt immense grief over what they uncovered, never before had they needed to prepare to send so many from UZ tiny people land to Sell Fish town.

Never before had the thought of starting over caused the citizens of UZ tiny people so much discomfort. So much grief and so much loss. It would take all of UZ tiny people to repair the land and to heal their hearts and minds for what the poor little misfit congress did to the UZ tiny people land.

And what of the poor little misfit congress misfit actions upon the other people of lands far, far away in the land of the people from AZ, IS, EZ and OD? The United Pedestal of Lands Affirming Friendship, Harmony and Peaceful Existence council would be watching closely.


If all of the poor little misfit congress were to move to Sell Fish town then who would become the true voice of the people now? Was there enough UZ tiny good, kind and grumpy people with common sense who wanted to become that voice for a once wonderful UZ tiny people congress?

A big surprise announcement awaited the poor little misfit congress, after their 110th time of not listening to the land of UZ tiny people. The news will travel like the wind to Sell Fish town so that the exiled poor little misfit congress members can read about the great and grand celebration to be held.

The good, kind and grumpy UZ tiny people are planning to come together for a most unusual event, a most wonderful celebration. Unusual for them as they have never experienced what they have experienced in the history of UZ tiny people land.

The event will be forever known as one of the most successful collaborations of these modern UZ times. Using the historical documents, those special gifts of scribed verses, the one's that tell the people why they have the land of UZ tiny people.

The event will surely mushroom into a glorious custom for these tiny UZ citizens, a new celebration to be held every July 4th from that day forward. It is to be called 'Independence’ day from a misfit congress. This celebration will be held after the last poor little misfit congress member is exported to Sell Fish town.

Who would have thought that all UZ tiny people could all work so well together after all they have gone through. Coming together over the last misfit straw that the poor little misfit congress tried to stack in their favor.

The UZ tiny people embraced each and every tiny people neighbor more thoughtfully, more enthusiastically and more importantly then ever before. They all held on to each other so tightly, as if they were holding on to dear life.

Oh yes, there were some that squabbled a little. Some squabbled over idea's. Some squabbled over rights. Some even squabbled for a place in the process to plan the new celebration called ‘Independence’ day.

The fears of the grumpy UZ people began to shrink. Fears shrank and shrank and shrank. It shrank as each UZ tiny people got to know all of the different UZ tiny people when they came together to plan for the new big celebration to be held July 4th 2008, the new UZ tiny people 'Independence' from the poor little misfit congress.

The UZ tiny people began feeling a renewed sense of hope for their land. A new word was added to those very special documents called the UZ Constitution that were given many, many ions ago. The new gift of the new document to be added to the original special gifts of documents given many, many ions ago, the new special document is titled "Democracy."

The new special document called 'Democracy' will be added to the very old special gifts of documents for all the future generations yet to be born. They would never forget what happened, because UZ tiny people always remember, they write down what works and they write down what does not work. The UZ tiny people are such a smart common sensed bunch of good, kind and grumpy folks.

The misfit congress tampered greatly with the great gifts given in those very old special documents, ignored those special gifts and took away part of that special gift that lay within those special documents, given to the land of all UZ tiny people so many, many, many ions ago.

The people of the land worked hard to prevent problems from becoming too messy and this great first celebration of July 4th, will help all UZ tiny people to never forget.

To never forget when a poor little misfit congress forgot the real meaning of UZ.

The poor little misfit congress valued self importance over civic pride.

The poor little misfit congress took liberties instead of letting freedom ring through the land.

The poor little misfit congress justified distorted declarations against the practical sensibility of the land, a land of laws not a land of tiny men.

The poor little misfit congress deliberately alienated diversity of all kinds, thereby causing public discourse.

The poor little misfit congress filled with poor little misfit congress members forgot that UZ tiny people are the 'We' in 'We the People.' in a democratic republic.
The End & The Beginning

Democrats Continue to Capitulate on Iraq By ANTHONY DiMAGGIO CounterPunch Weekend Edition December 22 / 23, 2007 "Democrats and Republicans are not looking to appeal to majorities, but instead privileged minorities."

GOP deals Dems some bitter pills By Deirdre Shesgreen POST-DISPATCH WASHINGTON BUREAU 12/23/2007

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Shock and Tasers in New OrleansBy Naomi Klein, AlterNet Posted December 22, 2007

A Better Way of Contacting Congress by Phone Posted by Michael Clancy The Villiage Voice December 18, 2007 "...allows one person to target an entire congressional committee over the phone."

Democrats Assess Hill Damage, Leadership By Charles Babington The Associated Press / The Washington Post Sunday, December 16, 2007

Harjo: 2007 Mantle of Shame Awards posted by Suzan Shown Harjo from Indian Country Today December 21, 2007 "Russell Means - for his mid-December announcement in D.C. that he is unilaterally withdrawing the Lakota Sioux from treaties with the United States."

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DECEMBER 20, 2007 Freedom! Lakota Sioux Indians Declare Sovereign Nation Status from Common Dreams "For more information, please visit our new website at" "After 150 years of colonial enforcement, when you back people into a corner there is only one alternative. That alternative is to bring freedom back into existence by taking it back - back to the love of freedom, to our lifeway." Canupa Gluha Mani

Audio of It's A Bluderful Life brought to you by The Stephanie Miller Show

The Stephanie Miller Show website

I give The Stephanie Miller Show credit for giving me the idea to write the story of the 'Poor Little Misfit Congress.' Thank you and 'Happy Holidays' to Everyone around the ORB. Awakening

from Once Upon a Time... The Honor of Being Human: Why Do You Support?

FBI To Use Our Bodies As A National Identification Card from .Common Sense all time favorite news hound....

The Randi Rhodes Show

The Rachel Maddow Show

The Thom Hartmann Show

The Ed Scultz Show

The Bill Press Show "A Special thanks to Bill for tipping me off about the 9 Congress member heroes"

from .Common Sense More Voting Machines Fail Tests. {Those machines were all put out by a company known as "Premiere" but get this, Premiere used to be named "Diebold".}


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Iraq Funds Approved In Senate Budget Bill By Paul Kane and Jonathan Weisman Washington Post Staff Writers Wednesday, December 19, 2007

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The New York Times Bush Would Veto Budget Bill Without Iraq Money: Aide By REUTERS December 17, 2007

story pulled -- The Washington Post 9 Dems Say No to Christmas Resolution By MATTHEW DALY The Associated Press Thursday, December 13, 2007

story intact - 9 Dems Say No To Christmas Resolution In Congress AP MATTHEW DALY Huffington Post December 13, 2007

Prison Library Purge by Michael Gerson The Washington Post Friday, September 14, 2007

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