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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Right Here, Right Now....September 28, 2006

I asked a very politically knowledgeable person, "How long do think it will be, before we are too weak to fight back?" The person said, "One more generation."

I heard them vow, "I'm going to Canada."

A woman said, "Hell no, I'm not going backwards."

A man said, "I'm not going to use a separate water fountain.

A man is afraid to say, "He's the love of my life."

A very ill elderly woman whispers, "Please help me, I'm in pain."

A child shares, "My daddy is still in jail."

A teenager is told, "You have no choices."

An Atheist is not allowed.....

An employee becomes an indentured slave......

..... silent obedience to follow.......

Saturday, September 30, 2006 Special to By Erwin Chemerinsky
Legislating Violations of the Constitution "With little public attention or even notice, the House of Representatives has passed a bill that undermines enforcement of the First Amendment's separation of church and state."

Friday, September 29, 2006 - The Washington Post Senate Approves Detainee Bill Backed by Bush Constitutional Challenges Predicted, By Charles Babington and Jonathan Weisman
Link Link


Blogger Tim said...

I have no other words for this than "beautiful", which doesn't quite seem right due to the nature of it. Saying melancholly or sad just didn't seem like a polite thing for one to say, but nevertheless, thank you for putting it so well.

BTW - I found you via Sheila - "Alabama Kitchen Sink".

September 29, 2006 1:47 AM  

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