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Saturday, July 26, 2008



Not long ago I learned about two teenagers who found a roof over their head and food in their belly after being kicked out of their homes and taken in by a big hearted good Samaritan. Two high school aged teens around 18 years old were found by accident one day, just hanging around our nice safe township. They were homeless and they became that way because the parent(s) had kicked them out of the house, here in Anoka County.

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota At LSS, special services are in place to offer a safe and supportive place for youth who are experiencing homelessness.

Youth National Alliance to END HOMELSESNESS

Covenant House Reuters

I won't say where they were found, largely because there may be more kids wandering around without a home. And if I say where they were found, then that place may not stay safe for long. Suburban and township street advocates may be needed in our area soon. The swarm of foreclosures in the whole of the 6th CD, tighter family budgets that don’t allow for anything other than a roof over the head, divorce and the nature of the economy as a whole may be worsening the plight of our older youth.

Teenage homelessness in Marin County 1-800-786-2929 or 1-800-RUNAWAY

Drop-In Center New Orleans

Plain rebellion will always be a part of a parent and teen tug of heart strings. Drug use either by the teen or the parent can cause terrible upheaval. Medical illness rarely causes the youth to desert a parent. But the reasons for any teen to become homeless, it is never a light decision that causes it to happen. Of all reasons out of many, could the current instabilities of our nation be forcing our teens out in the street silently and under the radar, more and more each day / night?

She said she joined the scheme aged 17 after her family broke down in horrific circumstances and she ended up in hospital with mental health problems. The scheme allowed her to experience a more normal family life and she started taking care of herself. Hampshire News

Could that be another reason why the youth in our area are being displaced from their home’s, the mortgage crisis? Remember renters rent from a home owner, so that loss rolls down hill to the renter. A youth being displaced from the life they had had is scary. Even if the entire family is displaced, the teen has to carry the burden of every moment. Each moment of homelessness means watching out for younger siblings and watching for signs of hopeful progress from the parent. Caught in the middle of being a kid and being a young adult. One of the cruelest things that can happen to a teen is to be aware of the loss before it comes. How do you say goodbye to all that you know.

HURRY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!! the US House Financial Services Committee will consider legislation covering HUD's definition of homelessness. YOUR CALLS/FAXES ARE STILL URGENTLY NEEDED! invisible homeless kids

It is completely out of their control, it isn't fair and yet they stay stoicly silent about their feelings. Their role is to stay grounded in the midst of chaos and to guard the most vulnerable from strangers. That is a hard line to walk, but they do it.

I will say that I was surprised at where the two teens where discovered. Right out in the open, is how most homeless individuals and homeless families survive. They are the Mom and child walking down the sidewalk downtown Minneapolis or Saint Paul. Or strolling through the mall. They are the small group of teens joking around in the sky way. And sometimes to stay warm, they are the ones standing inside the entry way leading to the parking ramp.

Welcome To Covenant House New Orleans....for Kids

If someone is desperate enough, they might even approach you while you are eating your lunch in your car or while your waiting at a stop light. The people who actually approach you in the cities are often times looking for money for a quick high. Most homeless citizens do not come up to you and ask for money using lame excuses.

A lady asked me for money because she said a friend was suppose to pay her back, but wasn’t home, so she wanted to borrow the money from me. Me, a perfect stranger. The "just got off the greyhound bus" story was always suspect too. I always carried the address and telephone numbers of the nearest shelter with me so I could share it with anyone in need. Some people were not very happy with that. And some people were both surprised and politely appreciative that I had the information.

Most people when they go homeless still have a great amount of pride and dignity and don’t usually approach people for money. That is often because the person through their lack of street experience does not want to call attention to themselves or their children. Especially for fear of being separated from their family by getting arrested for pan handling or being physically assaulted by some creep.

All-the-way House Children of the Night Crystal Clear

Wonder if anyone remembers seeing the man and woman in the parking lot of the K-Mart near the street, standing by an older model car early in the millennium 2002 or 2003? They were holding a sign “Will work for food.” Some stopped to give them money. When they were gone one day, I always hoped that someone gave them a job and they got their life back from being trapped in the abyss of homelessness. What depth of courage does it take to show the world you need help, while standing on a corner and holding a sign? An endless pool of courage is what it takes, I believe.

I told him what I now tell you; that 1 in 4 homeless people are ex service men who have spent their entire working lives housed by their employers who take it away when their time is up, they may never have lived on their own before nor had to deal with all that comes with civilian life. Public Journal

Homeless Shelters for Young Women World-News Independent Media Source

I still see people, mostly men, standing at the end of the highway exits with their sign. Often times it is street advocates that zero in on the homeless youth in the inner city and get them to a safe house. And street advocates who help women out of prostitution. The kids who are at even greater risk are the newest to the street life. The night they escape what they consider is a worse hell, can lead them right to an even more hellish nightmare.

Shelter For Homeless Teens Opening The 26-bed Covenant House Shelter The Community Investment Network

But kids being kicked out of their homes in an area where it seems unlikely they would be prey for an offender, could survive out in the elements for a long time. Townships in this area still have that long time community that knows who family members are and knows who is suspiciously out of place. These two kids look like your kids and my kids. That may be why they were still hanging out when the big hearted adult I know took them in. Did their old neighbors, the local law enforcement and even the corner store owners know they had lost their home?

Did someone feel they were better off and just left them alone. These two youths seem to have stayed in and around the area they knew best, the area where they grew up and where they attended school. Not a lot of information about the parents. The parents are residents of Anoka County though. The person who offered shelter is not an outreach street advocate, just an average resident. That big hearted person that took in these kids saw a need after talking with the two and the kids felt comfortable enough to accept. They needed a home.

We have the lovely added bonus of having our daughter's homeless teenage friend staying with us, too. Lorraine's Leanings

The adult who took them in is seeking community services to help with food, transportation and job search for them both and possibly education. Most inner city programs have a program that includes youth ages up to about 21 years of age. Others cut off the age at 19 years of age. The Humphrey Job Corps in Saint Paul has been one of the best training facilities for at risk youth and young adults. Youth and young adults that go there also live on the site and receive the stable foundation needed to eventually spring board out into the world of work.

Help Abilene's homeless teens Reporter News

Some programs have very small budget's but very big hearted and resourceful staff. Programs in Hennepin and Ramsey county under the Workforce Investment Act for Adults receive help with getting the basic needs so they can look for a job. Without the WIA Adult program for the unemployed, there is a host of people from many demographics that slip right through the cracks of our local society.

"Shanks said he does not often think about his days in the shelter unless he is around people with a similiar history." Education News Review

Anoka County doesn’t have the WIA Adult program any longer. They cut the program out all together. It is left with the dislocated worker program, the older worker program and MFIP. Anoka County does not have the Adult program for the unemployed person with multiple social barriers to employment and it does not have the displaced homemaker program that assists women and men into the workforce after their time is spent taking care of family for several years.

I just came across someone else needing an adult program for One on One job search help in the Anoka County area and found that there was no program to be had. The two older youth may be able to get help *big maybe* right now, but the other person cannot get help because they do not fit the criteria for any of the programs we have in Anoka County now. And don‘t think I didn‘t cover absolutely every possibility.

Volunteers Take to Atlanta Streets to Save Homeless Teens MY FOX ATLANTA - FOX 5

I support paying taxes when I know they are being used for things that are considered a wise social investment. Finding out that we lost a very necessary program is really upsetting. So I will most definitely will be writing letter’s and making calls to find out exactly why the program is gone and what can I do to help get it back. All programs seem to be dwindling down to a nub. That is disturbing and this ‘Is’ the sad result of the bush war mongering machine via Iraq.

I recall a family member being given bus tokens when they went through lay off many years ago. That program was called JTPA and this person lived in a different state. Bus tokens galore but no help for gasoline for the car they drove? Bus’s in that town didn’t run everywhere and didn’t run in the evening. That was in the 1980’s. Here in Anoka County 2008 buses don’t run everywhere and don’t run at night.

In this day and age our transportation system is so pitiful compared to other growing suburbs. Anyway I took the folder of massive hand outs and weeded through everything that my family member handed to me. I sorted and separated. I arranged steps in sequence and then I presented the topics to the person One on One. That was the 1980’s and I was not a Job developer or an Employment Counselor or a Career Coach. I was just the person that the family member expressed their frustration to.

I didn’t try to tell them what they needed to do, I instead had a discussion with them about the information in the folder. Once we agreed that certain job seeking practices were already a part of past job seeking experience, we talked about how they might try out a few new ones. It really came down to helping the person make the decision for themselves. Family is the hardest to work with because they are family. But family is the most honest, sometime brutally so.

That really was my second experience helping someone hammer out an individualized plan for their employment goal. The first person I recall assisting with a job related process was when I was 16 years old and was completing an application for a summer youth work program. I noticed a girl to my right, my age, just staring at the form and not writing. I had a feeling she couldn't read and write so I casually smiled and asked her if she wanted to slide back and lean up against the wall.

News Release JUNE 2008 Overall, federal funding for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) youth development programs in New York City have been slashed by 35%, or $14 million in funding from 2002 to 2008. New York City has over 200,000 youth between 16 and 24 years old who are either not in school, not working, or not connected to any government support program. Lost in the Ozone

We were sitiing on the bare floor with a bunch of other kids too. So comfortably propt up by the wall I took her application and quietly ask her questions. We completed the application and both got a job of our choosing. She became one of my best friends for years.

Homeless Teens and At-Risk Young Adults Participate in 01SJGlobal Festival Hrvoje Jakovac itreview

Back to my family members story...We also worked on how they could approach an apprenticeship if they wanted to enter the trades. I drafted the letter of application for the trades after I called a few union halls to find out what was needed. I found it very informative while my family member just wanted to get back to work. I got back on the same page with them and focused on what they wanted to do.

The self service employment and training model that is emerging today is suspiciously reminiscent of the old JTPA (Jobs Training Partnership Act) program that did little for many living across the nation in the 1980‘s. If you were lucky enough to have access to someone cut from authentic humanitarian cloth you came out a whole lot better than most. Most of it was not good use of time at all. Sorry, but I don’t believe anyone should ever feel like they should settle for less when getting services from their local public agencies. There are enough service providers around that remember when the system worked for those that needed to use it.

Minnesota especially, was one of the best. Was. The Job Service at the time my family member went through JTPA held workshops with one or two facilitator. Everyone was lumped together in the workshops and people did not get any one on one services ever. The stuff they handed out went with the overwhelmed unemployed person home and then gathered dust all the way to the trash in a lot of cases. Big waste of paper. Big waste of employee resources. JTPA in that town was a Cookie Cutter - All Sizes Fit One - Fast Food Mentality model. Poorest way of providing services to anyone that needs help finding a job. Language, literacy and life experience in any occupation does demand One on One meetings to pull everything together.

Anoka County scuttled the WIA adult program and threw it in to a sort of workshop soup or stew. Only works if the content compliments the real life experiences of the individual. Otherwise it will leave a bad taste in the participants mouth. And they usually never try it again.

Only works if the person can get to the workshop in the first place. Only works if the person can actually sit down one on one to chat, privately with someone who can help tweak, revise and polish the plan. Nothing like bureaucrats bending the wheel, breaking the wheel and then trying to convince the people on the ground that it’s the best darn wheel ever invented.

There are so many wise and wonderful direct service providers here in Minnesota and they are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I do not even have to guess whose bright idea it was to undo what worked in Anoka County. Bureaucrats! I like paying taxes for things I know can benefit communities in the long run. Meaningful training and substance filled job search programs are worth my tax dollars without an ounce of doubt. That means One on One help. My various family members are my testaments that it works to connect One on One.

Anoka County was once sitting on the pedestal of a myriad of programs that created a strong safety net for all resident‘s. Many of these services were and are my tax dollars at work. I’ve written often enough in other post’s that I actually support paying taxes for these programs. But if my county and my state are going to squander my tax dollars for things that do nothing for the entire local and national infrastructure and only wind up being outsourced and funneled to another country, then why am I paying taxes in the United States again?

How Tim Pawlenty made his case for VP by wrecking the Minnesota economy The Minnesota Independent

I see equal access to quality social programs as a way of building a stronger infrastructure all the way around. Better working models of real human service programs, better work ready contributors to the system. Recently Meals on Wheels was the latest casualty of this awful backlash of eight years of being literally bulls eyed and bushwhacked. Now a countless number of Seniors and people with Disabilities will have to go without because our social safety net is in such horrible disrepair.

When you lose your life giving purpose to get up everyday, whose left to catch you when you can’t get up any longer? The volunteers, who by the way were mostly considered middle of the road income and mostly women, are gradually being cut out of the social community safety net that all of us have depended on, probably most of our lives we‘ve known the ladies and men who volunteer from the heart. Their good deed baton passes to us when they are done.

The critical foundation to keeping the community social engine well oiled; volunteers fund raise, form family support initiatives, participate in many, many every day special activities. The pioneer’s of safety nets for social causes have always been a majority of women, from all walks of life. Men get some credit too. But women drive the social engine down the community road. When economic strife hits, it hits women and children differently then it hits men. I suppose the gap is shrinking, but women still make less in wages than men, so the impact is still bigger.

The population of young and older youth pay the price when family units lose their stable foundation. All things that give life purpose are really so basic. Basic is having a roof over your head, having nutritious food, wearing decent clean clothing, a good pair of shoes, access to the outside world and maybe just maybe a nod from someone that they have a good purpose, that they deserve happiness, that their pursuits are not in vain. I'm not sure how many homeless youth and adults we have living in and around the county now. But I can see why someone would choose to stay here in the county rather then going into the twin cities. Safety and familiarity must have a lot to do with it. We are still relatively safe in my county.


When Anoka County decided to in act the ‘Order of Selection’ (a term used for deciding persons with a disability eligibility for rehabilitation service) upon the residence of Anoka County they may have caused a harmful domino effect for the ever growing victim of the present labor market --doesn‘t fit in the other programs-- type of job seeker. If individuals need help to go to work, it stands to reason they need to have a basic foundation in order to get to a job search workshop, getting appropriate attire to wear, use of a computer for online applications, sending a resume and a cover letter through an email account or through snail mail, attending a job fair, applying for a job directly to the employer, getting to an interview, getting to work everyday.

I am pointing a finger at Anoka County in embarrassment. So disappointed that they cut a very important program that people did need. I do support all of the other programs that survived the cuts. But couldn’t the county just cut out a few unnecessary high level political hacks, so they could continue to fund the WIA Adult program to at least give people a bit of time to get back on their feet? Giving them a chance to locate all of the many resources and services still left? Hire 5 WIA - Adult Case Managers for every political hack hiding out in our county system and we would have a fully functioning program once again. And maybe even a better budget for all of the rest of the programs we still have.

Stop over loading the top with useless empty suits and start focusing on hiring the direct service provider. Anoka County gets an 'F' for effort. For losing the focus and the reason the Blaine Human Service Building was created in the first place. For not caring enough to pound the pavement and talk with local businesses about their involvement. For not getting private grants and scholarships from local county businesses that have national and global operations. For ignoring the fact that the program is needed. For settling. For less.

AFL-CIO American Federation of Labor

The Bush Administration's FY 2008 Budget: Department of Labor

U.S. Department of Labor Budget


Budget Calls for Cuts in All Major Employment and Training Programs

…… the Bush administration’s budget shortchanges programs for job training and jobless workers. President George W. Bush proposes some of the most drastic cuts in these programs since taking office. If enacted, these cuts would exacerbate inequality and increase educational and economic polarization. They would make it harder than ever for workers to navigate an increasingly turbulent labor market and profound economic restructuring.

Bush will have cut inflation-adjusted investment in the WIA Employment Service/

Consolidates, block-grants and cuts funding for job training and employment security programs designed to help unemployed workers, disadvantaged adults and at-risk youth.

Following is a chart showing major cuts to Employment and Training programs:

WIA Training and Employment Services

Workforce Investment Act Programs

The U.S. Department of Labor invests in job training and provides assistance to unemployed workers through a number of important broad-based and targeted programs administered by the Employment and Training Administration, including the Workforce Investment Act. The president’s FY 2008 budget proposes to eliminate WIA adult, youth and dislocated worker programs and consolidate funding into a state block grant. Additionally, the budget would cut the total commitment to all training and assistance programs immediately.

Cuts to Workforce Investment Act Programs

Millions of Americans who want to work do not have jobs.

Long-term unemployment has nearly doubled under President Bush

Displaced workers continue to struggle

The Bush proposal requires that at a minimum states spend 75 percent of their funding on CAA individual training vouchers, which would preclude the use of these funds to support work-based training programs.

CAAs are a back door to school vouchers
Under the president’s proposal WIA youth programs for high school dropouts, the homeless and runaway youth would be eliminated.

The in-depth counseling and linkages to alternative education and training programs would be eliminated.

Instead, these most vulnerable at-risk youth would be given CAA vouchers to purchase education and/or training with no support systems available to ensure they connect with quality secondary and post-secondary education programs.

Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Certification Process The Federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 gives Minnesota workers the chance to equip themselves with the skills and information needed to compete ... www.

GOOGLE - {PDF} Minnesota Best Practices: Reaching Youth Aging Out of Foster CareFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML - Anoka County. 4. Youth employment counselors have direct contact with Anoka County. Alternative School programs to recruit for youth programs... www. -

GOOGLE - 13.47, Minnesota Statute2007 Minnesota Statutes. 13.47 EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING DATA. ... under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, United States Code, title 29, section 2801...https://www.

GOOGLE - Anoka County WorkForce Center - Specialized ServicesThe Summer Youth Program serves low income and targeted youth that are 14-21 years ... Anoka County Dislocated Worker Program is an employment andtraining... www.

GOOGLE - Anoka County WorkForce Center - Specialized ServicesAn employment and training program for job seekers who are 55 years of age or older--Anoka County residents and low income. The Senior Community Service ...www.

Annual Report

Minnesota Jobs and Training Services will lose 25% funding in WIA Adult programs and 26% in Youth programming.

Council on Foundations

*Best Practices in Workforce Investment

*What Foundations Are Doing…

*How Foundations Can Help…

*Recommendations from the Workforce Investment Small Group Discussions

Search Minnesota

Minnesota Initiative Foundations Philanthropy and Economic Development
Paul Harrington, of Northeastern University’s Center for Labor Market Information in Boston suggests the following reasons that the Northeast and Midwest are not keeping economic pace with the nation: We have failed to make the infrastructure investments to accommodate growth and investment. We have not sufficiently invested in, or retained, our human capital.
For many areas—and this is obviously NOT the case for you—economic development is simply not a priority.

The Hill’s Congress Blog

GAO Report Confirms Need to Renew Workforce Training Programs (Sen. Mike Enzi)
May 15th, 2008

Sen. Enzi is ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee. "This report confirms the need for Congress to renew and improve the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), a high priority of mine, so that all Americans have access to education and training opportunities that will prepare them for new, rewarding careers."

So who were these radical right extremists who would rather see millions of Americans made homeless than compromise on their discredited and dangerous ideology? Friday, July 25, 2008
John Barrasso (R-WY)
Mike Enzi (R-WY)
James Inhofe (R-OK)
John Sununu (R-NH)

NACO ~ The National Association of Counties

In Anoka County, Minnesota initial unemployment claims are up 138 percent over the same time last year and that was before September 11. The county expects to have only enough state and federal funds to provide assistance to those that are currently laid off and are registered with the one-stop.

Minnesota Coalition for thr Homeless

*Impact on Anoka County

"State Policy Aids Anoka County in Efforts to End Homelessness"

"While unaccompanied youth funding is not yet dispersed, Anoka County providers have funding targeted toward youth in the region that could benefit from this increase."

Which ONE ANOKA COUNTY Consolidated Plan - Public Service Activity best describes your program?

☐ General Family Services

☐ Senior Services ☐ Disabled Services ☐ Legal Services

☐ Youth Services (age 13-19) ☐ Transportation Services ☐ Substance Abuse Services

☐ Battered & Abused Services ☐ Employment Training ☐ Crime Awareness

☐ Fair Housing Activities ☐ Tenant/Landlord Counseling ☐ Children Services (age 0- 13)

☐ Heath Services ☐ Abused/Neglected Children ☐ Mental Health Services


Choose ALL THAT APPLY (information is reported directly to HUD):

☐ Primarily help prevent homelessness?

☐ Primarily help the homeless?

☐ Primarily help those with HIV or AIDS?

☐ Primarily help persons with disabilities

☐ Program DOES NOT primarily serve a listed population




All sections of the application must be complete and it must be signed

Application INSTRUCTIONS & TIMELINE follow the Certification of Application


GOOGLE - 116L.17, Minnesota Statutes 2007(6) is a displaced homemaker. A "displaced homemaker" is an individual who has spent a substantial number of years in the home providing homemaking service... www. - 25k - Cached - Similar pages

What is a displaced homemaker? The little program that could By Michele St. Martin , Minnesota Women's Press April 18, 2008 “They’ve been through a divorce or abandonment or are escaping familial violence, and need to start over. A lot of them were caregivers or stay-at-home-moms, and they are finding that they’re not sure of themselves, or have low self-esteem. “

In order to meet the criteria for displaced homemaker services, a woman or man must have worked mainly in the home for a minimum of two years caring for home and family, and due to loss of family support (usually through separation, divorce, death or disability of the primary wage earner) need to obtain employment.

MN Dept. of Employment & Economic Development
Workforce Development Division
1st National Bank Bldg., 332 Minnesota St., Suite E200, St. Paul, MN 55101-1351
TTY: 651-296-3900
Serves: Statewide

Career Solutions, Inc.
1295 Bandana Blvd. N., Suite 110, St. Paul, MN 55108
651-647-9961, ext. 202
Toll Free: 888-777-4020
Serves: Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, Washington

Lives in Transition-AEOA
702 – 3rd Ave. S., Virginia, MN 55792
218-749-2912, ext. 220
Toll Free: 800-662-5711
Serves: Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Lake, Koochiching, St. Louis

WINGS-Tri-County Action Programs
700 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud, MN 56301
Toll Free: 888-765-5597
Serves: Benton, Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Pine, Stearns, Sherburne, Wright

CHOICES of Southeast Minnesota
Rochester Community & Technical College, 851 – 30th Ave. SE, Rochester, MN 55904
Toll Free: 800-657-3716
Serves: Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Olmstead, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, Winona

Central Lakes College, 501 W. College Dr., Brainerd, MN 56401
Toll Free: 800-933-0346, ext. 8010
Serves: Beltrami, Cass, Crow Wing, Douglas, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Todd, Wadena

Life-Work Planning Center
Union Square Business Center, 201 North Broad St., Suite 100, Mankato, MN 56001
Toll Free: 800-369-5166
Serves: Blue Earth, Brown, Faribault, Le Sueur, Martin, Nicollet, Sibley, Waseca, Watonwan

SOAR Career Solutions (AEOA Subgrantee)
205 W. 2nd St., Suite 101
Duluth, MN 55802
Serves: City of Duluth and St. Louis

America's Job Bank Ceased Operations July 1, 2007

Public Transportation Anoka County

Still yet today, our transportation options and accessibility is far below what is needed for a very populated area of the twin cities. They keep forgetting that people work three shifts. Get out of the 9 to 5 box style of thinking! And stop cutting the bus routes back.

Almost seems like the elected and hired officials want to see us struggle to get to work, to the store or any place around the area, for that matter. The Anoka Traveler has not been the most reliable mode of transportation.

Jobs in Minneapolis

Jobs in St. Paul

Search Jobs in other States.




The Job Fair of Bloomington
Monday, July 28, 2008

Tri-College Graduate/Professional School Day
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Minneapolis Global Diversity Career Expo
Monday, October 27, 2008
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