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Friday, June 15, 2007

Ancient Iraq, Historical Iran and Code Pink....


Iraq's cultural heritage in ruins By Afif Sarhan in Baghdad and Firas Al-Atraqchi in Damascus FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2007 "The destruction of Iraq's heritage is leaving a bitter legacy for future generations," she told Al Jazeera previously."

Iraq – The Success of “Creative Destruction” By soccerdad at The Left Coaster Sunday Jun 10, 2007

The tragic fate of the national museum in Baghdad in April 2003 was as if federal troops had invaded New York city, sacked the police and told the criminal community that the Metropolitan was at their disposal. The local tank commander was told specifically not to protect the museum for a full two weeks after the invasion. Even the Nazis protected the Louvre.
It is abundantly clear that the Americans and British are not protecting Iraq's historic sites. All foreign archaeologists have had to leave. Troops are doing nothing to prevent the "farming" of known antiquities. This is in direct contravention of the Geneva Convention that an occupying army should "use all means within its power" to guard the cultural heritage of a defeated state.

CodePinks Letter to
Senator Lieberman.....see letter below and click on links to read about some of the very couragous actions of CodePinks "Dedicated to Democracy" folks.....even facing jail time for the rest of us....

My Added Message (AOL blocked my original email link to CodePinks online letter for 24 hours, this morning. So I used another route, not AOL, to send my message to CodePinks contact us worked fine and I hope it got to them in time)...

America should always be a leader of Peace and stability, never a leader of destructive words and deeds...Invasion and Occupation are never the answer. These acts are destroying our people, our fabric of democracy...our sanity. These acts have already destroyed one of the most ancient country's in our world. The United States must look to the United Nations for guidance and let The United Nations help us to be that stable logical humanitarian presence it once was, to us and the world. Thank you.

Dear Senator Lieberman:

Your call for military action in Iran is inflammatory and irresponsible. Attacking Iran would turn 70 million Iranians - the most friendly to the United States in the Muslim Middle East - into enemies. It would lead to retaliation against our troops in Iraq and retaliation against Israel. And it would fuel the flames of anti-American sentiment all over the world.

The American people want diplomacy, not war. It's time for direct talks between the US and Iran--without pre-conditions--on issues ranging on Iran's nuclear program to ways to stop the violence in Iraq.

We are very disappointed that you abruptly canceled your meeting with CODEPINK. Please reconsider. And remember, 70% of the Iranian population is under the age of 30. Let's not destroy their future!


Your Name Here

I haven't forgotten my project for people with Felony convictions and how they can ready for voting again. I have collected so much info relevant to persons with a felony conviction that I got a bit overwhelmed as to how to lay it all out. Well, after studying tthe pieces, I think the next step should've been one of my first...focusing on resources that would lead to a person having some stability so they can plan realistically. Employment, housing and other resources that could be helpful and could lend to what everyone needs to be part of the big picture. I will write about those resources along with steps to take for getting ready to vote for part 4....
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