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Tuesday, November 07, 2006




JULY 2006 - The Power of the Baby Boomer But alas, past lay off drain of personal finances, lost and no pension plans, family medical, prescription and dental costs, unexpected emergencies and expenses, current overall economic gouging, cuts to social programs and the alarming condition of our countries financial well being; older workers are staring down the barrel of FTE's - full time equivalent schedules, with needed benefits at well beyond 60 years, 65 years and 70 years old.

Is this really valuing our Senior citizens? Seniors worked billions of dollars of pay into the system for a generation of workers who have already collected.

When the word 'Privatization' started surfacing in the 1980's, I actually thought it a great idea. But I had to ruminate on it and remember why Social Security was invented in the first place. The reasons why it came about are still the same reasons it should be maintained. Social Security, when active under an honest government, is the best social safety net one can have. But I understand it has now been gutted by the current administration. Maybe it is their attempt to force Privatization later. It is without a doubt a crying sobbing shame.

November 12, 2006 Boston Globe - Social Security at roots of shift
Democrats set groundwork in reform fight
By Rick Klein

November 11, 2006 - Sense and Sensibility for Our Dot Com World Boomer Retirement. How Much Does the Government Owe You? "They talk about cutting down Social Security pensions to reduce the incredible debt created by the Iraq war fiasco and other Bush administration and Republican Congress boondoggles (a boondoggle is a useless government expenditure -- like the bridge to nowhere in AK)."

Saturday, November 11, 2006 The Washington Post...
Elections Are Not Over In Nine House Districts 6 GOP Incumbents Hold Slim Leads By Philip Elliott Associated Press.

National Voter Assistance Hotline
Nonpartisan Election Protection Coalition


Link Link


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi awakening.

I gave you a hat tip today over at Sense and Sensibility for Our Dot Com World.

(And I changed the name back.)

Your latest post got me to thinking about SS.

November 11, 2006 1:35 PM  
Blogger Awakening said...

Thank you Sir! I wrote and sent you a direct reply, too. As I said, "The devil is in the details" and what a mammoth amount of time you must've taken to illustrate your point.

A much needed visual for those of us who are abstract thinkers. Thank you - thank you! And I have changed your Blog back to its original name.

To anyone who drops by to read this post, Isn't Sense and Sensibility one of the best news sources? I sure think so!

Any mainstream media willing to pick up on Mr. Lenner's formula for the Social Security issue, address it, challenge it or at least acknowledge that his point is respectfully plausible?

November 12, 2006 10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Baby Boomer is worried. My husband is approaching retirement age and wanted to retire at 60. I don't think he can. Thanks for posting on the subject.

Off topic. My son and daughter-in-law were in New Orleans last week for a conference. They loved their trip but said Katrina kept coming up in conversations with folks they met. I hope your family is doing okay.

November 13, 2006 8:39 AM  
Blogger Awakening said...

Hi Sheila,
Nice to hear from you and your welcome. Boomers are a big part of my daily work. I'm at the tail end and my husband is at the very beginning of the Boomer stream. Everyone seems to have the same list of concerns. His having to work into his retirement years, because he endured multiple mid-level management lay offs through the 1980's and 1990's has got him a bit stressed. He never believed he might 'have' to. I did expect to, but hope for control over what kind of work I will do.
My sisters husbands family is from New Orleans and the last I heard the family was still trying to get back on their feet in Texas, still hoping to get back to their life long home in New Orleans. I will write about them around Christmas time. The challenges for this and other families still, is to stick together. The bond among them is as strong as steel and the love between them is so heart warming. With all the changes - Long Awaited Changes - in our Governemnt, New Orleans and the Gulf Coast will have to have a much better level of attention. The kind of attention that was needed from the very beginning.
Have a good day and I will be by to read your blog in a few days.

November 14, 2006 6:43 PM  

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